Pete%60s Opengl Driver 2.9
Pete's Plugins to the Rescue, Console. First off if you have a link to another thread sorry about reposting! Posts about pete s written by anidfecosming. Test Drive 6 PS1 Gameplay GTE Accuracy Hack 1080p. PLUGIN PETE'S OPENGL2 2.9: Funny thing is OpenGL 1.78 Ap is a newer driver than OpenGL2 2.9 May 24. Plugin: Pete's OpenGL2 Driver 2.9 Author: Pete Bernert Card vendor: NVIDIA Corporation GFX card: GeForce GT 740M/PCIe/SSE2 Resolution/Color: - 640x480 Window mode.

Pete 60s Opengl Driver 2.9 Driver
Hello everyone,
until before I bought a new and considerably faster PC I was thinking 'if you don't limit the FPS in ePSXe it goes as fast as your PC allows', but that doesn't seem to be the case. Final Fantasy VII runs at 120 FPS no matter what I do.
My computer's data:
- 4-core 2.8GHz
- graphics card with 1GB RAM and 192 CUDA-cores
- Win XP Home 32 Bit
- 3GB RAM (normally 8 but on 32 bit windows there's a RAM limitation, i.e. 4GB minus graphics card's RAM)
- ePSXe version: 1.7.0
- Video: Pete's OpenGL driver 1.76 set to 'fast' (tested both in fullscreen and window mode)
Note that choosing to use ePSXe 1.9.0 and/or Pete's OpenGL driver 2.9 results in the game being stuck at the regular 60 FPS.
- Also I choose to play using an ISO, because it's a lot faster than a CD.
- Even when I just stand around on the world map doing nothing the FPS won't increase
Is there a way to make ePSXe use up more of my PC's resources? When ePSXe is running in 'fast' mode, it seems to barely touch my resources at all (Taskmanager says 1-2% of the CPU and GPU-Z says 1% of the GPU Load).