Ayadi Calculations Excel

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Ayadi calculation is one of the most important parts in Sthapatya Veda; Ayadi Calculation is also called as Ayadi Shadvarga or the Building formulae. The Scriptures as well as the ancient architects (Sthapatis) considered the dwellings as a living organism, irrespective of temple, residential homes, palaces etc.

  • Ayadi Calculations Pdf Merge Install FL Studio 12 for Windows PC and load the 'FL Studio Mobile Plugin' included within FL Studio for PC. Record, sequence, edit, mix and render complete songs.
  • Accumulate Wealth with the Help of Aaya Prakaran. Vastu Shastra is the traditional way of enhancing your luck by integrating architecture with Nature. Vastu is an important part as it attracts and allows positive energy to freely flow through the place. Aaya Prakaran is one of the most important parts of Vastu Shastra. The word Aaya means income.
  • Marriage life
  • Business
  • Career
  • Studies
  • Family harmony
  • Pregnancy
  • Growth of children or health

How Vaastu can change your Life ?

Expert Vaastu Shastra Astrologers stress that one’s home is like one’s horoscope. Just as a horoscope is divided into various houses, each one representing a different aspect of life, similarly, a house is divided into various sections, each one representing an aspect of life-marriage, sex, children, career etc.

Ayadi Calculations Excel Format

A competent Vaastu Astrologer should be definitely consulted before buying/constructing a new house, moving into a new house, or renovating/making necessary changes in the existing house, because improper construction or situation of the house can totally change one’s future for better or worse.

Complete 'Vaastu' Analysis

Ayadi Calculations Excel Free

You can consult me for a complete analysis of your house/office to identify 'Vaastu' faults, and for necessary Remedies to cure these faults.

You will be given detailed & personalized consultancy about the existing inherent faults, how they can be cured/removed, and 'Vaastu' Remedies/Solutions necessary to cure such faults. We also have Solutions for those 'Vaastu' faults which cannot be easily rectified because of technical hazards.


Ayadi Calculations Excel Spreadsheet

To avail of this service, you will have to write to me about your needs and requirements and we will get back to you about the cost involved. Our experts will also need allrelevant details relating to the situation, construction, direction, designing and decoration of the house or office concerned.
For consultation, write to me. Click here.