Free Bird Breeding Record Keeping Software

iBreed Pedigree and Livestock Management System provides breeders with a simple to use database to maintain records of their livestock. Comprehensive details can be recorded for each animal, this allows upto a 5 generation pedigree to be viewed or printed, and a powerful search function enables livestock to be retrieved at any time. A diary, mating and award history can be kept for each animal. Full offspring statistics can be viewed for all livestock used for breeding; this can include colour, breed, gender, etc.

  1. Free Bird Breeding Record Keeping Software Download

iBreed'sComprehensive Genetics Calculator allows an animals colour genotype (genetic code) to be calculated from its colour and parents/offsprings genotype. These details can then be used to calculate which colours could be produced from a mating and which sires and dams to use to produce a specified colour. No genetics knowledge is required to use the genetics function! The Rabbits, Hamsters and Gerbil Genetic Databases are completed, however, we need help compiling the databases for other livestock types. If you think you can help please email - SPECIAL DISCOUNTS available to breeders who help trial new genetics databases!

I’ve raised meat rabbits for the past 60 years and have tried many record keeping systems over the years. They went from note books to spread sheets and everything in the middle. My needs are for an uncomplicated system that is handy, quick entries and good support. Three things that really make me happy are: 1. For a lot of breeders, pen and a paper record-keeping is perfectly fine. For each bird, jot down the ring number or a visual description, the gender, age, and related birds. If you’ve got a substantial number of birds to keep track of, the only practical way to maintain your records is with software.

iBreed's unique Fasttrack Pedigree Entry allows full pedigrees to be created in minutes! Simply click on where the animal's entry is to be made on the pedigree and create new details or insert details of existing animals.

Free bird breeding record keeping software 2020

iBreed has been designed to be simple, intuitive and easy to use. When an individual animals details are displayed, all functions available are readily accessible from the one screen. Tool tips, context help and instructions are available at all times.

iBreed is growing all the time. Thanks to the input of our users we are constantly updating the system to include new features. All updates within a given version (1.x) are free and can be downloaded quickly from the Web. We welcome all constructive comments from our users (whether shareware or paid), because it is this input makes the system grow!

iBreed has been written using the latest industry standard tools and languages to run on Microsoft Windows 95 through to Windows 8. Utilising a standard open database engine, all livestock details can readily be accessed by standard tools and extracted if required.

iBreed is now the revolutionary concept in Livestock Management Systems. It delivers unrivalled functionality and performance at sensible and affordable prices.

Free Bird Breeding Record Keeping Software Download

iBreed - Designed by Breeders for Breeders