Autocad Command Hindi Pdf
QUIT Exits AutoCAD R RAY Creates a semi-infinite line RECOVER Repairs a damaged drawing RECTANG Draws a rectangular polyline REDEFINE Restores AutoCAD internal commands overridden by UNDEFINE REDO Reverses the effects of the previous UNDO or U command REDRAW Refreshes the display in the current viewport REDRAWALL Refreshes the display in all. Complete AutoCAD Commands Command Description Options ABOUT Displays a dialogue box with AutoCAD version & serial numbers can be transparent APERTURE Controls the size of the Object Snap.

Download AUTOCAD book. Hi friends, here I bought you the most useful material for your AUTOCAD designs. The book contains all Civil AutoCAD plans (Substructure plan & Superstructure plans) The book is exclusively for civil engineers. So why waiting download the book and start learning the different civil drawings which we gonna use on site for its execution. If you recently learnt AutoCAD from the institutes once check your knowledge in AUTOCAD . Check your Civil AUTOCAD knowledge by downloading this book. Some
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Book contains:-
1. Footing plan (All types of footings used in single plan)
2 Slab Plans
3. Reinforcement plans
4. Architectural plans
5. Staircase plan & many more!!
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Autocad Command Hindi Pdf File

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