The Guidance Of God Our Way To Paradise Pdf


God gave our first parents the opportunity to live forever in Paradise, where they could spend an eternity getting to know him and his works better. ( Psalm 115:16; Ecclesiastes 3:10, 11 ) Adam and Eve could pass on the same opportunity to their offspring. 14 Losing Our Way—Losing THE Way world around us (and inside of us—“complexes”, “compulsions”, “addictions”). But science has yet to really explain exactly what these concepts truly are, or whythey are. By throwing out the belief in divine powers due to the refinement of our technical knowledge we have lost our way.

Mr. Whitney V. Myers. Christian. For more information, please visit the Author Page.

I plan to provide new postings about every four weeks.

(subject to change)
22Aug21 - 'What Does 'To Be Saved' Mean in the New Testament?' (John 3:17)

(most recent three months)
11July21 - 'What Does 'To Be Saved' Mean in the Old Testament?' (Psalm 18:3)
14June21- 'Made Alive Together with Christ -- A New Quality of Life' (Ephesians 2:4-5)
18May21- 'Our Burden-Bearing God (Psalm 68:19)'
11April21 - 'What is Redemption?' (Ephesians 1:7)

25Aug19 - 'Characteristics of a Child of God - Part 1' (Matthew 7:16)
21Oct18 - 'When Jesus Said 'Truly, Truly,' What Did He Mean?' (John 6:47)
1Jul18 - 'There is a Balm in Gilead'
7Oct18 - 'What is Eternal Life?' (John 17:3)
3June18 - 'What Does 'The Way' Mean in the New Testament?' (Matthew 7:13-4)
19Apr20 - 'God Our Refuge, Strength, and Help (Psalm 46:1)'

The Guidance Of God Our Way To Paradise Pdf File

'What is Eternal Life?' (John 17:3)
'What is Redemption?' (Ephesians 1:7)
'Who is Jesus?' (John 8:58)
'What Does 'To Be Saved' Mean in the Old Testament?' (Psalm 18:3)


About The Life
About The Truth
About The Way
Attributes Of God
Believing In Jesus
Believing In Jesus - Section 2
Children Of God
Eternal Life
'Fear Nots'
God's Care
God's Guidance
God's Invitations
God's Offer
God's Promises
God's Will
Holy Spirit
Hymn Stories
'I AM's Of Christ
Knowing Jesus
Life After Death
Pharisees & Scribes
Pray To Receive Christ
Second Coming
Sin & Sinners
Son Of God
Soul And Spirit
Sound Speech
Spiritual Growth
The Early Church
The Way
The World
Truly Truly
Trusting In God
Virgin Birth
Way To Heaven
Who Is Jesus?

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Are You Using These Brochures?

The Bible​—What Is Its Message?

The guidance of god our way to paradise pdf free

Designed to appeal to those who know little about the Bible, especially those in non-Christian religions

How to offer it: “We would like to get your opinion on what is stated here in the Scriptures (or in this holy book). [Read Psalm 37:11, which is referred to in section 11.] What do you think the earth will be like when this prophecy is fulfilled? [Allow for response.] This is an example of the hope and comfort that people of all cultures and faiths can receive from the Bible.” Read the paragraph at the top of page 3, and offer the brochure.

You might try this: If you are conducting a Bible study in the Bible Teach book with a person from a non-Christian religion, take a few minutes at the beginning or end of each study to consider one section of this brochure to give him an overview of the Bible.

A Book for All People

Designed to appeal to educated people who know little about the Bible

How to offer it: Read 2 Timothy 3:16, 17. Then say: “Do you agree with this, that the Bible is inspired of God? Or do you think that it is simply a good book? [Allow for response.] Most people have an opinion on this question, but we have found that few have actually examined the Bible for themselves. [Read the experience under the title on page 3.] This interesting brochure outlines good reasons for people of all backgrounds and faiths to consider what the Bible contains.”

You might try this: If the householder accepts the brochure, say: “One reason that many people think the Bible has little to offer is because religion has misrepresented the Bible and its teachings. When I come back, I’d like to give you an example.” When you return, consider some of the information from pages 4-5.

You Can Be God’s Friend!

Designed to appeal to those with limited education or reading ability

The Guidance Of God Our Way To Paradise Pdf Online

How to offer it: “Do you think it is possible for us to become friends of God? [Allow for response. Then read James 2:23.] This brochure has been designed to help us become God’s friend, as Abraham was.”

You might try this: Either on the initial call or the return visit, demonstrate a Bible study by discussing together all or part of lesson 1.

A Satisfying Life​—How to Attain It

The guidance of god our way to paradise pdf free

Designed to appeal to those who are secular, nonreligious

How to offer it: “We are calling because many people would like to find more satisfaction in life. All of us experience problems that can bring unhappiness. When we do, we may look for advice from a trusted relative or friend or use the library or the Internet. What have you found to be a good resource for advice? [Allow for response.] Some have been surprised to find practical advice in the Bible. Here is an example. [Show the householder chapter 2, and read one of the quoted texts.] This brochure is designed to explain how we can attain a more satisfying life.”

You might try this: If the householder accepts the brochure, say: “Many have heard that the Bible is filled with inaccuracies. When I come back, I would like to show you an example of the Bible’s scientific accuracy that may intrigue you.” When you return consider paragraph 4 on page 12.

The Origin of Life​—Five Questions Worth Asking

Designed for Christian youths who are being taught evolution in school and is also helpful when reasoning with evolutionists, agnostics, and atheists (This brochure is not designed to be offered from house-to-house.)

How to use it when speaking to an evolutionist or an atheist: “Virtually all science textbooks today teach evolution. Do you believe that evolution is a theory, or do you think that it has now been established as fact? [Allow for response.] To make an informed decision, I’m sure you will agree that we should examine both sides of a matter. This brochure presents some of the evidence that has led many to believe that life was created.”

You might try this: If you go to school, leave the brochure out on your desk and see if it piques the curiosity of any classmates.

Why Should We Worship God in Love and Truth?

Designed to appeal to Hindus

How to offer it: “A well-known Indian prayer says: ‘From delusion lead me to truth. From darkness lead me to light.’ Do you think it is important to worship God in love and truth? [Allow for response.] Notice what Jesus said about this.” Read John 4:24. Then read paragraph 4 on page 3 and offer the brochure.

You might try this: If the householder accepts the brochure, say: “Some Hindu sages say that the truth is hidden in our hearts. Others say that truth is found in sacred scripture. Next time, I would like to discuss a question raised at the end of paragraph 3 on page 4: ‘Where should we look to find divine truth?’”

The Pathway to Peace and Happiness

Designed to appeal to Buddhists

How to offer it to an older person who is a Buddhist: “Perhaps you are as concerned as I am about the current flood of degraded ideas and the effect that these are having on our children. Why, do you think, is there such an increase in immorality among young people? [Allow for response.] Did you know that this was foretold in a book that started to be written long before the founding of the Christian, Hindu, and Muslim religions? [Read 2 Timothy 3:1-3.] Note that these conditions prevail despite continuous learning. [Read verse 7.] The information in this publication helped me to understand truths that most people never learn. Would you like to read it?”

You might try this: On a future return visit, after cultivating the householder’s interest in the Bible, show him the questions on the back cover, and point out the coupon for the Bible Teach book. Explain that you brought along a copy if he wants to see it. Show him the book’s table of contents, and consider a paragraph or two in the chapter of his choosing.

Our Problems​—Who Will Help Us Solve Them?

Designed to appeal to Hindus

How to offer it: “Many people whom we have talked to are distressed by the wickedness they see in the world. Do you think that God will one day rid this world of its problems? [Allow for response.] This prophecy gives hope. [Read Psalm 37:11.] What I just read is from the Bible, a book that has often been misunderstood and misused. You may be surprised to know that the Bible is not a Western book; it does not promote colonialism or the superiority of one race over another. But it does give us hope that God will soon remove our problems. It also contains principles that can help us manage our problems right now. This brochure provides more information.”

You might try this: On a future return visit, after cultivating the householder’s interest in the Bible, show him the pictures on pages 4-5 of the Bible Teach book. Read at least one of the quoted scriptures and offer the book.

Will There Ever Be a World Without War?

Designed to appeal to Jews

How to offer it: “Throughout history humans have experienced much suffering as a result of war. Why, do you think, do we continue to have wars even though people say they want peace? [Allow for response.] This prophecy from Isaiah gives hope. [Read Isaiah 2:4.] However, this raises several questions: When and how will Isaiah’s prophecy be fulfilled? Why can we trust the Scriptures to be a reliable source of hope? This brochure answers these questions.”

You might try this: If the brochure is accepted, refer the householder to pages 16-17 and say: “Many point to atrocities such as the Holocaust and ask, ‘If God exists, why does he permit suffering?’ We can discuss this when I return.”


The Guidance of God​—Our Way to Paradise

Designed to appeal to Muslims who live in an environment where they may feel free to study the Bible

How to offer it: “I understand that Muslims believe in one true God and in all the prophets. Is that correct? [Allow for response.] I would like to talk with you about an ancient prophecy that foretells the transformation of the earth into a paradise. May I read to you what the prophet wrote? [Read Isaiah 11:6-9.] Many have wondered just how God will bring such changes to the earth. This brochure shows what the prophets say on this subject.”

You might try this: If the householder accepts the brochure, say: “This book of God explains that in the beginning, man lived in paradise. The next time we talk, I would like to answer this question, ‘How did man turn away from God’s guidance and lose paradise?’” When you return, discuss the beginning of the unit that starts on page 6.

Real Faith​—Your Key to a Happy Life

Designed to appeal to Muslims who live in an environment where they may feel free to study the Bible

How to offer it: Show the picture on pages 16-17 and say: “This scene is much different from what we see in the world today. Do you think it’s possible for the world to become like this one day? [Allow for response.] Notice what this book of God promises. [Read one of the quoted scriptures from your Bible.] This brochure helps us to cultivate real faith that such promises will come true.”

You might try this: At the end of the initial call, ask the householder to choose one of the questions on the back cover. Then make arrangements to discuss the answer from the brochure when you return.

The Guidance Of God Our Way To Paradise Pdf Free

Lasting Peace and Happiness​—How to Find Them

Designed to appeal to Chinese

How to offer it: “Today life has many challenges that can rob us of happiness. What helps you to be happy despite problems? [Allow for response.] Many people have found happiness from following the counsel of the Bible. [Read Psalm 119:1, 2.] Some dismiss the Bible as a Western book. But notice this. [Consider paragraph 16 on page 17.] This brochure discusses how we can find lasting peace and happiness.”

The Guidance Of God Our Way To Paradise Pdf Download

You might try this: If the householder accepts the brochure, read together the first three sentences of paragraph 18 on page 17 and say: “When I return, I would like to show you what we can look forward to according to the Bible.” When you return, consider one of the points in paragraph 6 on page 30.