Xhorse Mvci Firmware
This morning a customer contacted me because his Techstream software for MVCI Toyota prompted “unable to connect VIM”.
Valerie Pettit on Mvci Driver For Toyota-cable 2.0.1 15 REPACK. Jul 24, 2020 — Mvci Driver For Toyota-cable 2.0.1 15. Msi, move the contents under “C: Program Files (x86) XHorse Electronics MVCI Driver for TOYOTA TIS”. Install newer version Toyota Techstream V14.20.019 for mini vci j2534 cable on Windows 7 without. Xhorse Mini VCI cable Firmware V2.0.4 supports VPW protocol. September 2, 2016 uobdii Car Diagnostic Tool, OBD2 Cable 0. Bad clone Mini VCI cable with FW 1.4.1 and lack VPW protocol. Good clone Mini VCI cable has FW 2.0.1 and VPW. Always offer such clone and will not have problems.
XHORSE MVCI is a 3-in-1 Auto Diagnostic Tool for Honda, Toyota and Volvo vehicle, and it work with Volvo Dice Vida software, Honda HDS HIM software and toyota techstream tis software, do you know how to install & run MVCI software on Windows 7/8 64-bit OS? Here, vipprogrammer will made the installation guide of Original xhorse mvci 3 in 1 Windows 7/8 64-bit.
“I installed from both the supplied disk and the Skydrive, also tried all the different installation instructions on my Dell laptop. No problem installing Techstream. But when I applied it to a 1999 Toyota Yaris, I got the error: unable to connect to VIM.”
Follow the steps outlined in”Installing MVCI Driver for TOYOTA” of the ft86club post. I used the “Mini VCI Driver for TOYOTA.msi” in the 10.30.029 folder that came on the CD from Amazon; After drivers are properly installed and you verify you can see the device connected on the XHorse Firmware Update Tool, you’re GTG. So I inquired the customer and found out that he run both the Techstream and Xhorse firmware at the same time. If you own a MVCI and are reading this article, please be aware that do not use Techstream when the firmware is in use; vice versa.
He provide two pictures of the error message and the software interface:
The tool he bought is an original Xhorse MVCI diagnostic tool. It is highly recommended by professional Toyota mechanics. Usually the reason that the error pops up is not with the tool. So I inquired the customer and found out that he run both the Techstream and Xhorse firmware at the same time.
If you own a MVCI and are reading this article, please be aware that do not use Techstream when the firmware is in use; vice versa.
This is because the softwares will both communicate with MVCI 3 in 1hardware, and interrupt Techstream working. Here is the solution to the problem:
Solution 1:
Restart laptop.
open Techsream, click “Setup”, then “Techstream conficuration”.
2. Select “Area Selection”, get a country list and then select “Europe”.
3. Select “Default Language Selection” and choose “English”.4. Click “Ok” in the next window.
Solution 2:
Install MVCI 3 in 1 software and drive on a desktop with Windows XP system.
Run Techstream separately.

Sometimes it could be with the laptop that Techstream is installed on. If the software works, it means the laptop does not support the software.
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NoticeXhorse Upgrade Kit Software Support All Xhorse Tools Firmware Update Software.
But please close your anti-virus software before using,because it contact .exe application,may recognise as virus.

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VVDI PROG 5.0.5 Software
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Xhorse Mvci Firmware
6. XhorseIscancar VAG MM-007 Diagnostic and Maintenance Tool Software Download:
For SC204
Xhorse Mvci Firmware Update Tool Download
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Xhorse App :
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Xhorse android: https://m.apkpure.com/xhorse/com.xhorse.assembly/download-apk-info
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Xhorse User Manuals:
Xhorse Dolphin XP-005 User Manual.pdf
Xhorse Condor XC-MINI PLUS User Manual.pdf
Dolphin XP007 user manual
How to Update Xhorse XC-Mini condor key cutting machine?
(Notice : All the Xhorse tool update steps is the same as the mini condor)
Here's the guide to update the mini condor key cutting machine.
current verison:V4.0.1
Xhorse Mvci Firmware Update Tool
Xhorse Mvci Firmware Update
Check device connect status and driver version
5.Start the updating software and data