Download Usbutil Ver 1.02 English For Pc
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Download Usbutil Ver 1.02 English For Pc Download
- The program will help to manage the games (.ul format) on the USB drive.
It can also be used to 'cut' a disc image (ISO) to fit into the FAT32 file system.
Cause originally latest USBUtil 2.2 REV.1.0 [BETA] was not translated to english,
I also added version translated by jbliz.
Unfortunately the author of the translation (jbliz) did not have the source code,
so some words such as BIEN (Good) were used,
because he has not found them in the executable file. - To 'slice' ISO into ul. in USBUtil v2.2 Rev1.0 use:
File-> Create game from ISO. - Select the source of your ISO and the destination where it will be copied.
Do not use long name for output folder, because you'll get an error
after process will end.
Name is shortly (e.g ISO).
Do not select Media (leave AUTO) or Patch (leave empty): - Name of the game can't be longer than 30 or 31 charactersletters.
Do not add Game ID, because USBUtil will creates it automatically: - After setting 'Source' and 'Destination' you can enter 'Create' (process will start):
- When the process hit 100%, no error should pops out:
- Hit 'Cerrar' button, now you can install another game:
- All games should have BIEN tag:
If they do not have it, something is wrong. - Copy ul.* files into root of your USB HDD.
- To 'slice' ISO into ul. in USBUtil v2.2 Rev1.0 use:
Here is a video which will explain in detail how to copy large 4GB+ PS2 Games to FAT32 USB Drive.
English version:

Full tutorial for USBUtil 2.0 version is attached in htm format.