Cod4 333 Fps Cfg Download

Many thanks go to Lancast for writing the vast majority of this guide.
Thanks also go to community members who made suggestions and changes.
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How to Get, Enable, Unlock 333 FPS in COD4 Using NotePad COD4 333 FPS 2018 The Malik ShowNotepad Home Download - COD4.

  1. Getting Started
  2. CoDJumping Techniques
  3. Binds

1. Introduction
CoDJumping is a way of glitching but it's also an art, a feature, it's another way of playing Call of Duty. For us CoDJumping is a feature, we have developed many different kind of mods that make CoDJumping even more enjoyable and more professional. There are many maps being made every day, many servers being fully populated, our YouTube, Xfire, Twitter, Steam and Facebook accounts being updated regularly. The most enjoyable way of CoDJumping is to do it together with other people, on a server that runs CoDJumper mod and either stock or custom maps. CoDJumping is not something easy, learnable in one day, it requires skill and experience. So before you can go and enjoy yourself on one of our servers, have a read of the CoDJumping PC Guide which will prepare you for professional CoDJumping.

2. Getting Started
2. a) Hardware
Unfortunately, as any other game, CoDJumper requires you to have a better than an average computer. CoDJumping can either be done on stock or custom maps, the difference between those two when it comes to hardware is, for stock maps usually more FPS (Frames Per Second) is required where on custom maps less.
What you have to do, is start Call of Duty 4 on your current PC, go to Options>Multiplayer Options and Enable Console. Now would be a good idea to go to the graphics options and turn everything as down as possible. Then, while being on the main menu of multiplayer, press ~ and it will open up the console. Type /devmap mp_crash and the map Crash should launch. The next step is to see how much FPS you're getting, open up the console again and type: /cg_drawfps 1. On the top right corner numbers stating your FPS. Take a note of that, then open up the console again and type /r_fullbright 1 and see how much you FPS has increased.
If you plan on being a professional CoDJumper, on a stock map (e.g. crash) you need to get a stable 333 FPS while on full bright. If you plan on CoDJumping on public servers, it would be even better if you could get a stable 333 FPS without fullbright. If you're getting on full bright any FPS lower than 250, then your computer needs upgrading. You should consider upgrading your Processor, Graphics Card and RAM. If you're getting around 250 FPS or anything above 125 FPS, you should be fine, you will still be able to do a lot of jumps and also there is a way to boost up FPS.
2. b) ConfigsCod4 333 Fps Cfg Download
If your FPS needs boosting then you need to have a read of this. There are many ways to boost up FPS, it can either give you a huge FPS boost, or a small one, it different for other computers. The first step is to make sure that you have all the graphics options turned as down as possible, so start up Call of Duty 4, go Options>Graphics, set as LOW resolution as possible and turn every other setting either on LOW or OFF. Then, go to the Texture Settings, under Texture Quality select Manual, and turn everything on LOW.
The next step is to set certain commands inside the console that will also give you a FPS boost. Press ~ to open up console, type these commands:
333/r_fullbright 1
/r_drawdecals 0
/r_drawsun 0
/r_drawwater 0
/r_detail 0
/fx_enable 0
/r_fog 0

These commands definitely will increase your FPS, but carry on reading, there is more! Another thing you could try, is to download a special config designed to increase your FPS, one of configs like that is called yitch3, download it from here
While your PC might be capable of getting 333 FPS you might not be getting it even under the proper CoD4 configurations, reason? Maybe your operating system is a mess? Your OS can be using a lot of CPU and RAM and that can seriously decrease FPS in-games. Firstly, go Start>Run type msconfig and press enter. Go to the Startup tab, and deselect everything that you feel is not needed to be ran on the Cfgstartup. Nextly, again, Start>Run and type services.msc. This will open up a tab with all the services that are running on the PC, there might be many services that are unnecessary. What you need to do, is disable the unnecessary services, how do you know which ones are unnecessary? I would advice not to touch anything unless you know what you're doing, the best way to find out what's useful and what's not is to read up a guide explaining all the services and giving you advices on what you can turn on or off:
Windows 7 Services Configuration
Windows Server 2008 Services Configuration
Windows Vista Services Configuration
Windows XP 32-bit Services Configuration
Windows XP 64-bit Services Configuration

Choose the one for your system, have a little read, while doing so you should also gain some knowledge, then decide what's needed and what's not. If you're not too bothered, you can just follow the 'SAFE' guide on each configuration.
Last step to make sure your Windows is prepared is to download a little Freeware called CCleaner, it will clean up all the useless junk and fix your registry.
By now you CoD4 and your Windows should be full configured, to give you the best performance possible, you have everything ready, what's the next step? Knowledge about jumping!

3. Frames Per Second - Jumping
I've been talking a lot about the FPS needed for CoDJumping but I haven't explained to you why it matters. Different FPSs allow you to jump at different distance and different height levels. There are mainly only 3 different FPSs used in CoD4 CoDJumping, 125, 250 and 333.
125 FPS - 40.5 height units
250 FPS - 41.5 height units
333 FPS - 46 height units

Let's translate this into English. 125 FPS is mainly used for parallel distance jumps.250 FPS is mainly used for far distance jumps, not straight jumps, usually for bounces and FPS switches, for jumps from high to far low platforms. 250 FPS is not used for parallel distance jumping as it gives bad results.333 FPS will give you the best distance outcome, but it also makes your movement more fluent and when jumping on far distances. However, when it comes to far distance jumps e.g. from high to low platform 333 is not used, as it simply won't reach what 125 or 250 will, it will make you go high for a certain time then fall down.
It all might sound simply in theory, but it's a lot more complicated when it comes to practise, that is why it would be a good idea to watch some video tutorials on certain CoDJumping techniques.

4. CoDJumping Techniques
4. a) Strafe Jump
Strafe Jump is the most popular technique used in CoDJumping, it allows you to jump a lot further than you would jump by just running straight and far. I'm not going to bore you with all the details, the best way to learn is to do trial and error, let's watch a video tutorial on Strafe Jumping:
4. b) RPG Strafe Jump
RPG Strafe Jumping is basically the same as strafe jumping, the difference is you use RPG and you go much, much further! Be aware though, on public servers you can only do RPG jumps if the rocket will hit ground that is much below you, if you just fire the RPG at the ground you're standing on, you will die, but that's not the issue when it comes to CoDJumping on our servers, our mod keeps you alive ;)
4. c) Bounce
Bounce does exactly what the name suggests, it makes you, BOUNCE! You basically jump on a object, if the object is slanted that means it's bounceable. If you jump using correct FPS and hit it with correct height and speed, it will make you bounce!
4. d) FPS Switch
FPS Switching is the technique that allows you to hit bounces and then land on certain places with a proper manner.
4. e) Elevator
Elevators is a technique that will make you 'fly-up' on certain objects, to the very top of that certain object. It's called elevator, because you basically go straight up next to an object, just like a normal elevators do.
4. f) Stack
Stacks are not something you should be concerned about when jumping on CoDJumping servers, there you should always try your best to get anywhere you want on your own, however, on public servers stacking can be useful. The difference is, on jumping servers, you have all the time in the world, where on public servers time matters and stacking can really speed up the process of getting wherever you want.
Take a look at this video below which explains how to perform stacks!

5. Binds
Binds are set of commands that make your life easier and save you a lot of time when jumping. You can make a bind for any in-game console command, but only few can relate to CoDJumper in a way.The rule to set a bind is:
/bind -button- -commands-
5. a) FPS
FPS is what makes you jump at a certain distance and at a certain height level, different FPS affects your jumping in a different way. Many jumps require different kinds of FPSs, many bounces require different kinds FPS switches. You could like change your FPS using console everytime on a different jump, but you couldn't do that on Switch Bounces. What will make your life much easier and speed up your jumping are binds.
These below are my personal binds that I use for jumping.
/bind X 'com_maxfps 333' - Sets FPS to 333 by pressing the button X
/bind Z 'com_maxfps 125'- Sets FPS to 125 or 250 by pressing the button Z
/bind MOUSE2 'toggle com_maxfps 250 333' - Changes FPS between 250 333 and 125 333
/bind M 'vstr fpskey1' - Changes the FPS value for the Z button, either 125 or 250
/bind , 'vstr xfpskey1' - Changes the FPS value for the Right-Click(Mouse2) button, either 125 333 or 250 333

These below are commands needed for the M and , buttons to work.
/seta fpskey1 'vstr fpskey2'
/seta fpskey2 'bind z com_maxfps 125;set fpskey1 vstr fpskey3'
/seta fpskey3 'bind z com_maxfps 250;set fpskey1 vstr fpskey2'
/seta xfpskey1 'vstr xfpskey3'
/seta xfpskey2 'bind mouse2 toggle com_maxfps 250 333;set xfpskey1 vstr xfpskey3'
/seta xfpskey3 'bind mouse2 toggle com_maxfps 125 333;set xfpskey1 vstr xfpskey2'

You can modify these binds in any way you want, for example, right after it says /bind just change the key to any you want.
*You can also download from an attachment cfg that will automatically activate all my binds/commands. Read below on how to activate*
5. b) Mod
On the newest CoDJumper mod, make sure to go to the Multiplayer Options, as in that menu you can set up some commands. However on the older version, which is still in use on some servers, you cannot, and besides, it's always better to know more than less right?
These below are the save and load and knife binds I use when CoDJumping:
/bind V 'openscriptmenu cj save' - Saves position by pressing the button V(No knifing required)
/bind F 'openscriptmenu cj load' - Loads position by pressing the button F
/bind H '+melee' - New button for the Knife(Melee)
/bind P '+activate' - Just set it, this is what F originaly used to do.

Again, you can modify these binds in any way you want.
*You can also download from an attachment cfg that will automatically activate all my binds/commands. Read below on how to activate*
5. c) Other
There are also some other useful binds that you could use when CoDJumping, unfortunately I only use one, can you think of any other that might be useful?The bind to freeze:
/bind 0 'ping lag' - If you press the button 0, your player will freeze, the more times you press it, the longer you will freeze for
Another thing you could set as bind, can be some motds, greedings, whatever you can type on the chat.
Here's how:
/bind 1 say 'Hello' - When you press the button 1, you will automatically say on the chat 'Hello'.
Again, you can modify these binds in any way you want.
*You can also download from an attachment cfg that will automatically activate all my binds/commands. Read below on how to activate*

6. Mod & Maps
CoDJumper Mod for CoD4 is a modification for Call of Duty 4 developed by one of our staff members called Drofder2004. The biggest feature of the mod is that it allows you to save & load your position. Basically saying, whenever you're trying to do a jump, you can save on the starting spot, if you fail, you load your previous position and you can try again, when you're successful, you save the position and carry on. This mod is very useful when it comes to CoDJumping on custom maps, as custom maps are more like a race, there is a start point and an end point, without CoDJumper mod, custom maps wouldn't exist.
The Mod offers many other features, check them out here.
For help on installing the mod, please view the following topic on our forums: offers a different selection of many different custom maps, check them all out here.
If you would like to train strafe jumping, I suggest downloading map called mp_codjumper_training, it's an ideal map to train your strafe. Also make sure to check out our strafe jump gaps records page, here.

7. Our YouTube Channel
You're almost there, you're almost ready to start CoDJumping, calm down! It would be a good idea to check out our YouTube channel, you can find on it many different kinds of useful videos, tutorials, walkthroughs and many more. Be sure to check out the playlists!

8. Finding a server
You're now ready to begin CoDJumping! Go to the main page of our site (or click here) and choose up a server! There are many different servers, offering different maps and different features, you need to decide which server is the server for you!
If you have Xfire installed, the IP addresses of the official servers on our homepage are linked to add to your Xfire favourites list.

9. Questions?
Do you have a question about this guide? Have you found something that needs changing, or have suggestions for additional content?
If so, please post it in the following topic on our forums:

Welcome, and happy jumping! - For all your CoDJumping needs!

If you want to tweak some graphics to increase your FPS in the game, use the console by pressing '~' button then type this commands.
cg_drawfps 1
diplays fps in top right corner
cg_drawlagometer 1
draw your Lagometer on screen
com_maxfps 125
(One of the most important commands in cod4 is the FPS command, and Ill tell you why. You probably already know that more fps makes the game feel much smoother. What you might not know is that COD4 is based on the q3 engine and is designed to work at 125 FPS.What this means for you is that your going to have problems interacting with the game under 125 FPS. This can mean any thing from not being able to climb objects, or even bad hit detection during fire fights. The problem is your fps is set to 85 by default, lets fix it. Bring down you console and type com_maxfps 125. If you want to remove the limit, type com_maxfps 0.
cg_fov 80
Next up is the field of view command. FOV(field of view) is basically how much you can see on your monitor at one time. The higher the number the more you can see, which will give you a huge advantage over those who don't use this command. Default is 65 max is 80, to change it bring down your console and type 'cg_fov 80'.
r_drawdecals 1
Another helpful command is 'r_drawdecals', set it to 1 for on and 0 for off. Its off by default, and don't be surprised if you turn it on then have to turn it off to get into certain servers. It basically cleans up some of the random paper and trash on the ground, and gives you an fps boost. But some servers want you to have bad fps and wont let you in unless its set to 0(note that the other commands will work fine on any server).
maxpackets 100
Maxpackets next, this command command usually helps people who have good fps but bad hit registration. Default is 30 if your fps is set to 125 you should set maxpackets to this '/maxpackets 100'.
snaps 30
This command tells your cod4 server how many times to update positions of players, bullets ect per second. Default its 20 setting it to '/snaps 30' should make movement look smother and hits register better.
r_drawsun 0
Disables the sun and a bunch of effects that is causes saving you a few fps.
cg_brass 0
Turns off shell ejection. Not having to render them should send a few more fps your way, a good addition to your CoD4 config.
cl_packetdup 1
Duplicates packets send between player and server - players with a good connection and no packet loss should use 0, players with packet loss should use a higher number (0-5) most players use 1-2
sm_enable 0Cod4 333 fps cfg download pc
Turns off unique Shadows ingame, it boosts FPS more than most commands
r_multigpu 1
can add more FPS
r_cachemodellighting 1
can add more FPS
r_cacheSmodellighting 1
can add more FPS
r_aaAlpha 0
remove the anti-aliasing / smudge effects, this can free up more FPS also
r_texfiltermipmode 2
Turns it to bilinear filtering, which should give you the best fps
r_rendererPreference 0
to use Shader Model 2.0 instead of 3.0 which will increase fps for those people using old videocards
Now Type...
You're done... enjoy! ;)
To give you some advantage on COD4... here's a compilation of COD4 glitch, click HERE.

Cod4 333 Fps Cfg Download Pc

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